Feed Center Design, Microbiome Research and Preventing Injuries

Amber Keel, Professional Dairy Producers

PDP presents opportunities for dairy professionals to learn from experts on trending topics

This week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal® from Professional Dairy Producers® (PDP) will feature expert insights on facility design, animal health and nutrition and workplace safety. Tune in on Tuesday for a discussion on feed center design and management, and learn about microbiome research on Wednesday. Thursday’s session will focus on preventing falls and injuries while working outdoors.

Tuesday, January 28

Tune in for an interactive conversation on designing and managing feed centers for success.  Dr. Harner will review the feed pad, mixing center and commodity-feed area while factoring in herd size, future growth plans and geographic variations. Episode presenter will be:

  • Dr. Joe Harner, PhD, Engineer, JGMIII ag engineering consulting firm 

Wednesday, January 29

Our understanding of microbiomes — the microbes in a particular environment such as the rumen of an animal — continues to evolve. Hear about the latest in microbiome research and how it affects dairy animal health and nutrition. The episode will be presented by:

  • Dr. Noelle Noyes, DVM, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, University of Minnesota

Thursday, January 30

It’s no secret that dairy farming is hard work, especially during winter months. You can reduce risk and protect your long-term physical health by learning about skeletal structure and proper body mechanics.  Learn how to quickly evaluate your shop or parlor, mitigate slip and fall risks and prevent injuries when working outdoors. The episode will be presented by:

  • Dr. Averi Lundebrek, Occupational Therapist, First Care Health Center

Episodes of The Dairy Signal® are accredited through Dairy AdvanCE® (DACE), enabling dairy producers, industry professionals and students to earn continuing education units for watching either the live or recorded version. Dairy AdvanCE is an online continuing education management tool for dairy farmers and other professionals that simplifies finding, tracking and managing continuing education units (CEUs). To learn more, visit www.DairyAdvance.org.

The Dairy Signal® is a weekly series of educational episodes offering practical insights and resources for dairy farmers and food-system professionals across the value chain. Episodes air live from 12:00-1:00 PM CT each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Live sessions offer attendees the opportunity to engage in open Q&A with the speakers; recorded sessions are available shortly after episodes are aired. Access all previously broadcasted sessions at www.pdpw.org.

For more information, contact PDP at 800-947-7379 or send an email to mail@pdpw.org. Join the conversation digitally by following us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and X.

Professional Dairy Producers (PDP) is the nation’s largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.

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